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Feuille food lab餐廳Amass餐廳Kadeau餐廳ClouDew餐廳推薦菜單起源靈感主廚關係影片必吃料理預約制|台中頂級餐廳|無菜單料理|高級餐廳|台中餐廳|好吃晚餐|餐廳推薦|發酵學|顛覆料理|美食|晚宴|露餐廳|立即訂位|

起源 DEW

Dew-chef's wine and gourmet 時尚歐陸菜

Dew is a spin-off from Observance of Feuille Food Lab. More often than not, you would hear of a movie episode that is a derivative of the popular genre. Dew is very much like so. Over the years of our pop-up service, we have learned that the best way to engage the customers is to provide the relevant information behind the dishes we have on the menu, whether it's the inspiration behind them or how and why they are particularly prepared in such ways.


Dew是Feuille Food Lab的衍生。它的出現就如同大部分讓人難以忘懷的電影,都是從人們現今社會體現的衍生,Dew也是相同的。在許多年頭的快閃服務中,我們了解到,倘若希望客戶能夠了解每道菜餚其中的意義,最直接的方法就是在菜單裡讓客戶找尋相關信息,從菜餚的靈感發想,到為客人準備的過程和以及相傳達的感動,以這樣的方式,向您訴說。

Dishes presented at Feuille Food Lab can be quite foreign at the first glimpse; however, once the diners understand the concepts behind them, the dishes become easier to relate to. The flavours—believe or not—can be quite singular and are only secondary to customers' overall decisions on whether they approve our dishes and even to the extent of branding a seal of abomination or the newly found love of their life.

或許對大部分人而言,Feuille Food Lab所展示的菜餚在剛開始時是相當陌生。但,當他們漸漸理解背後意涵後,似乎,一切都變得更容易理解。追尋味道不在單單是人們拜訪的目的,人們更想要的是每道的故事背景及啟發。

Either way, both can be quite a privilege in the experience of my and his or her lives and like the tattoos that they are, such feelings can be quite eternal throughout the course of our years to come. Yet despite the proud professional practices that inevitably separate the chefs and the customers, the cuisines to me should be of no boundary between the cooks and the diners, regardless of how professional, technical, and disciplined such career has evolved itself to be.

無論哪種方式,在我和他或她的生活經歷中,兩者都可以是一種特權,它們如同紋身般,在我們今後的歲月中,永恆的存在著。 『儘管引以為傲的專業不可避免地將廚師和顧客區分開來,但不論我的職業如何發展,無論其專業、技術和紀律如何,對我而言,美食在廚師和食客之間都應無界限。

My friends, having been able to observe the cooks and the diners from my perspective, have decided to expand their experiences in the roles of a provider.
I was given the privilege of designing the initial menus. Occasionally I would cook a few dishes—which were inspired during my travels—for my friends and they had decided that such dishes would honor their debut .

What would accompany after is then the stories behind each dish on the menu to help explain what the customers are eating and why. We have even discussed further that the menu should adopt a story-telling perspective, complete with photos for an immersive experience. The current menu would be presumed to continue for a few months before they are completely retired for another new city-inspired dishes.

What we have then are limitless, as the cities are beyond the counting of our fingers could muster as the list of Tokyo, Bangkok, Singapore, Munich, Paris, Copenhagen continues down our list of collages.
Perhaps April, perhaps May, as the time ticks on, I am also working relentlessly to shape this reality to that of an imagined one. I shall keep my fingers crossed as I look forward to the day of welcoming you all once again in this newly inspired humble abode—Dew.


The German Quest

Pretzels, the bread kind, have golden, minutely, and evenly caramelized crusty surfaces, that are deliciously attractive, with just the ample, leavening stretch marks that are the tell-tale signs of an ensuing and satisfying bite. Sometimes with sea salt and often than not, with choices in sesame and other various likable sorts, they are the snacks of ubiquitous finds.

The German Quest



Everytime when I find myself in the central stations, I would inevitably become drawn to the pretzels occupying the various snack stands. The central stations in each German capitals to me are in fact stylish department stores with its own characters and sometimes even on wheels. Food stalls, specialty stores selling travel essentials, like books, magazines, and chargers, are a definite find.


To top it off(besides), cafes, and restaurants, especially bars—often wonderfully and spaciously designed—are all part of the convenience packages. Food stalls, as simple as they may appear to be, are also nothing short of miracles—from expresso to fruit smoothies to mulled wines to croissants to donuts, the varieties are mouthwatering and glittering(shining) to the eyes. Standing in front of them translates to some of the most difficult decisions one has to make in life as choices are singular and one only has so much stomach to engulf his/her choice.




Travel foodie
Travel foodie 亞洲歐洲美洲大洋洲中國台灣FeuilleDewMichelinAbout MuseaLinksnannanDEW 課程外燴餐飲顧問旅行Travel美食Food飲Drink餐廳Restaurant生活 Lifestyle台灣亞州歐洲大洋洲美洲推薦Dew文章調酒餐點設計QuestionnaireTaichung restaurant recommendations聚會酒會派對開幕